Impact of the Bio Psycho Social (BPS) assessment in nursing home organisation

Impact of the Bio Psycho Social (BPS) assessment in nursing home organisation


Samir Henni, MD, MBA, ac , Florence Delamarre Damier, MD, MBA, CMD bc,
Sophie Bruel, MS cd, Sylvie Piessard, Pharm D, PhD,ce
a - Hospital University Center Angers and Candé, Angers, France
b - Ehpad MonUort, St Laurent sur Sèvre
c - AGREE :Association Gerontologique De Recherche et D'enseignement en EHPAD, 8 Brairon, 44690 Château Thebaud,
d - SSV Nursing home general manager
e - Sèvre and Loire Hospital, 44120 Vertou, France and Faculty of Pharmacy, Nantes University, Nantes, France 

Admission in nursing home (NH), key moment in elderly person life, should be considered as a milestone in our collaborative management. Patent data collection must be comprehensive to help nurses/aid nurses taking into account any Bio Psycho Social (BPS) dimension of patent Method : We have performed the BPS according a modified geriatric comprehensive assessment; medical screening was done before the inclusion process to avoid any unstable acute pathology. Evaluation by focus group method was done aIer the process, anonymous and qualitative questionnaire was performed 7 days aIer the last inclusion. The main objective was to establish an exhaustive BPS assessment in our nursing home. The secondary objective was to evaluate our BPS by our nurses/aid nurses using a qualitative questionnaire and a team focus group assessment. 


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