Dernières informations :
- 11ème congrès de Management et Coordination en EHPAD
- Toutes les dernières informations et documents utiles dans la gestion de COVID-19
- 10e Journée de Management et de Coordination en EHPAD : articles de presse
- 9e Journée de Management et de Coordination en EHPAD : articles de presse
- Interventions 10e Journée de Management et Coordination en EHPAD
Impact of the Bio Psycho Social (BPS) assessment in nursing home organisation
Impact of the Bio Psycho Social (BPS) assessment in nursing home organisation
Samir Henni, MD, MBA, ac , Florence Delamarre Damier, MD, MBA, CMD bc,
Sophie Bruel, MS cd, Sylvie Piessard, Pharm D, PhD,ce
a - Hospital University Center Angers and Candé, Angers, France
b - Ehpad MonUort, St Laurent sur Sèvre
c - AGREE :Association Gerontologique De Recherche et D'enseignement en EHPAD, 8 Brairon, 44690 Château Thebaud,
d - SSV Nursing home general manager
e - Sèvre and Loire Hospital, 44120 Vertou, France and Faculty of Pharmacy, Nantes University, Nantes, France
Admission in nursing home (NH), key moment in elderly person life, should be considered as a milestone in our collaborative management. Patent data collection must be comprehensive to help nurses/aid nurses taking into account any Bio Psycho Social (BPS) dimension of patent Method : We have performed the BPS according a modified geriatric comprehensive assessment; medical screening was done before the inclusion process to avoid any unstable acute pathology. Evaluation by focus group method was done aIer the process, anonymous and qualitative questionnaire was performed 7 days aIer the last inclusion. The main objective was to establish an exhaustive BPS assessment in our nursing home. The secondary objective was to evaluate our BPS by our nurses/aid nurses using a qualitative questionnaire and a team focus group assessment.